Grimbeorn the Safer Killer

Hero Grimbeorn the Old can defend and kill within one tiny action – all over the board. Combined with Armored Destrier he can do that multiple times, given enough resources at hands. For this he does have 5 build in attack power. As nowadays most enemies do need an attack power of 6 be killed, he needs a bit of a strenthening. Instead of wasting restricted slots he can use the Dunedain signals. Still beeing vulnerable at the first attack, we need some shadow canceling. For this we do use hero Balin.

The card listing, as well as a detailed description of each cards purpose, can be found on

LotR App: Update to v1.52

Even more improvements for the statistics. Now there is a difficulty rating for each mission implemented. The internal rating is a mixture from the official rating and user values, taken from the LotR Quest Companion. The weighting of both can be set up in the options. This rating is shown in the headline of each single mission overview and is used in the Statistics by Year, too. Last but not least, the difficulties are used for advanced statistics in a new overview: Statistics by Difficulty. As only the standard version of a mission has an official difficulty, that table just shows data from those games. Additionally, that table will only be available whan having played at least 10 games. Statistics without any data are pointless, right?

Because of the implemented difficulty rating, the previously named difficulty (Standard, Easy Mode, Nightmare) got renamed to mode of play.

The internal database was changed from milliseconds to seconds. Noone will play that precise, I guess. 🙂

Download it here:

LotR App: Update to v1.51

Another update which adds functionality. Inspired from an article (A Year in Numbers) on, the Value X got implemented into the app. Together with the amount of played games, the amount of different missions and also win rates (for each player amount seperately) these number are listed by year in a new selection named Statistics by Year. The version of the app is now shown in the middle of the screen. Also, icons for missions 72 to 76 and the two missions from the limited starter edition were added.

Download it here:

LotR App: Update to v1.50

This time a major update. Now there is the option to export (and import) your games database into a text file. This might come in handy when you change your device (or for the sake of a backup). Also, mission names up to Under the Ash Mountains, plus the two from the limited starter edition are added to the app.

Download it here:

Obvious Fellowship

I like the idea to use the contract from A Shadow in the East in its original context and I was glad to find a combination of heroes and spheres which makes it able to build a single deck which focusses on the original members of the fellowship only.

To be honest, this deck is a bit slow. It takes some rounds until you do have all six allies in play. This why I took it apart, but judge yourself on

Drinking Outlands

Since Drinking Song was released I wanted to rebuild a Outlands/Erestor deck. That card clearly has its Hobbit references with its illustration and a bonus if you have a hobbit hero, but honnestly it shines in an(y) Erestor deck. 10 starting cards and still no Steward of Gondor? Doesn’t matter if you have a Drinking Song on your hand. That card accelerates your round one!

Gandalf and the Dwarf Discard

A deck which aims at multi-defend, quest power and in late game also killing enemies. It focusses on some core cards of Gandalf shenanigans, but mostly on dwarf power. The starting threat is high, but unless you face heavy doomed encounter decks you end the game with a lower threat.

This deck is fun to play, effective (lots of willpower, a good defender from the start), save (Gandalf’s staff, Armored Destrier), but somewhat time consuming to play because every Gandalf deck has to be managed well. I disassembled it, because a teammate started playing dwarfs.

Classical Aragon plus Hobbits

A deck which cannot really quest, but handle almost each and every enemy in play. Either needs a mate, who has a (single) defender ready or needs to draw a chump blocker more or less each round on its own. It focusses around Aragorn to engage enemies and Merry to ready Aragorn again, plus another Hobbit hero to buff Merry and also have access to the Lore sphere.

Core cards to this combo are the mentioned heroes plus readying effects for Merry, Rohan Warhorse and Fast Hitch. I had to rebuild this type of deck because of a new card Friend of Friends, which buffs the two hobbit heroes, a bit later Drinking Song, which lets you fetch your wanted cards even faster, joined the arrangement.

Very multiplayer friedly. Does profit if the other players also do have a low threat. Quite effective. Gets boring after a few games. This is why I took this deck apart.

See for yourself:

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